Multiple Implementation Possibilities
Existing Courses
School curricula often address aspects of social, emotional, and physical wellbeing.
The Autonome program enhances existing curricula by providing systematic and sequential programming, addressing specific social emotional competencies: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision-making.
Students learn practical strategies to manage stress, set and achieve goals, communicate effectively, and resolve conflicts.
Autonome’s lessons and structured approach foster social competence, interpersonal skills and academic success.
Advisory Class
An advisory class is a dedicated period during the school day that focuses on providing students with academic and social-emotional support. Implementing the Autonome program into an advisory class helps students build positive relationships, foster social and emotional skills, and provides support for their academic and personal growth.
The Autonome program in an advisory class teaches students self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, responsible decision-making, and relationship-building. Autonome incorporates a range of activities, including group discussions, role-playing exercises, and group projects that allow students to practice these skills in a safe and supportive environment.
With Autonome, schools help students develop critical skills that will support their academic and personal success. Students who have access to this type of programming are more likely to have positive relationships with their peers and teachers, feel a sense of belonging in their school community, and have the necessary skills to navigate challenges and setbacks they may face in their lives.
Alternative Education
Alternative education refers to specialized educational programs and settings designed for students who may have experienced difficulties or challenges in traditional school environments. Implementing the Autonome program into alternative educational settings addresses the unique needs of these students and provides them with targeted support and strategies that promote their overall well-being and success.
The Autonome program creates a safe and supportive environment that helps students develop social and emotional skills while addressing their specific needs. These components are important to the success of students in an alternative educational setting who may have faced various obstacles such as behavioral issues, academic struggles, trauma, or social-emotional challenges.
Alternative education settings often emphasize smaller class sizes, personalized instruction, and flexible learning approaches. In these settings, Autonome provides students with more individual attention, meaningful connections with educators, and opportunities for self-reflection and personal growth.
Special Education
Special education refers to a specialized educational program designed to support students with diverse learning needs, disabilities, or exceptionalities.
With the Autonome program, facilitators provide explicit instruction and support in social and emotional skills that are crucial for students with learning and behavioral challenges. Through the program students learn skills such as self-regulation, self-advocacy, empathy, communication, and problem-solving in a supportive and inclusive environment.
Autonome helps special education students develop the skills necessary to navigate social interactions, regulate their emotions, and advocate for themselves. The program creates a nurturing and inclusive environment that supports the overall growth and well-being of students with diverse learning needs.
Freshman Seminar
A freshman seminar is a course specifically designed to support the transition of students from middle school to high school. Implementing the Autonome program into a freshman seminar provides students with the necessary tools and skills to help them navigate this significant transition, promoting their emotional well-being, academic success, and overall adjustment to their new educational environment.
Within a freshman seminar, the Autonome program brings in lessons that focus on key areas such as self-awareness, self-management, relationship-building, decision-making, and academic skills. These lessons help students develop a better understanding of their own strengths, weaknesses, and goals, as well as strategies for effectively managing their time, setting achievable objectives, and making responsible choices.
With Autonome, schools proactively support students during this pivotal period of transition. The program helps students adapt to the academic and social demands of high school, builds their confidence, enhances their ability to cope with challenges, and equips them with valuable skills that will benefit them throughout their high school journey and beyond.
In-School Counseling
In-school counseling provides students with a safe and confidential space where they discuss their concerns, explore their emotions, and receive guidance and support from trained counselors or mental health professionals.
The Autonome program within an in-school counseling program teaches students skills such as self-awareness, emotional regulation, empathy, and effective communication. Through individual or group sessions, students develop a deeper understanding of their emotions, learn strategies to manage stress, anxiety, and other mental health challenges, and cultivate healthy coping mechanisms.
In-school counseling addresses specific social and emotional issues prevalent in teens, such as bullying, peer pressure, self-esteem, grief, or trauma. With the Autonome program, schools prioritize students’ social and emotional well-being, providing them with the tools and support they need to navigate the challenges of adolescence, succeed academically, and develop healthy coping strategies that will benefit them throughout their lives.
After-School Intervention
After-school intervention refers to targeted programs and activities offered to students outside of regular school hours to provide additional academic, social, or emotional support. The Autonome program supports the creation of a structured environment that offers students a safe and supportive space to develop social and emotional skills, enhance academic performance, and address specific needs or challenges they may face.
Autonome within an after-school intervention program focuses on various areas such as academic enrichment, character development, and conflict resolution. The program provides students with opportunities to participate in activities and experiences that foster their social and emotional growth, complementing and reinforcing the skills taught during regular school hours.
After-school intervention offers targeted support for students who may be struggling academically or socially. The Autonome program augments this effort by fostering students’ self-confidence and resilience. Together, the school and Autonome provide a comprehensive support system that extends beyond the traditional classroom.
Independent Study
Independent study refers to a self-directed learning approach in which students have the opportunity to pursue their academic interests, goals, and projects outside of the traditional classroom setting. Autonome’s activities and resources foster students’ social-emotional growth, self-regulation, and interpersonal skills while promoting their autonomy and self-motivation as independent learners.
In an independent study setting, the Autonome program empowers students to take ownership of their learning journey by helping them develop crucial social and emotional competencies such as self-awareness, self-management, and goal-setting. Students engage in reflective exercises, journaling, and self-assessments to better understand their strengths, weaknesses, and learning preferences, enabling them to tailor their independent study approach to their individual needs.
With Autonome, schools empower students to become self-directed learners while nurturing their social-emotional growth. Independent study becomes a holistic educational experience that not only fosters academic excellence but also equips students with essential life skills such as self-motivation, self-regulation, and effective interpersonal communication, which are vital for their personal and professional success.
School Wellness Center
A school wellness center is a dedicated space within the school that promotes the physical and emotional well-being of students. Implementing the Autonome program within a school wellness center results in a comprehensive and integrated approach to support students’ social, emotional, and physical health.
In this environment, the Autonome program focuses on topics such as mindfulness, stress reduction, emotional regulation, conflict resolution, and interpersonal skills. Through the program’s activities, students develop self-awareness, empathy, resilience, and other critical social and emotional skills that contribute to their overall well-being.
With Autonome, schools create a hub for fostering positive mental health, emotional resilience, healthy lifestyle choices, and supportive relationships. Through comprehensive support and resources, students are equipped with the tools and skills necessary to thrive academically, emotionally, and physically, fostering a positive and nurturing school community.